Postcard I / Ltd Ed of 200
Postcard I / Ltd Ed of 200

Postkarte I / Postcard I mit / with

Oscar-Preisträger Sir Ben Kingsley

Grafik-Künstler Raffael Jesche

Leipzig´s OBM Burkhard Jung

Illustratorin Anke Hartmann

Heidemarie Bach - Leiterin Autismusambulanz Leipzig

Volker Elsen - akku e.V.

Limited Edition of 200

Preis / price € 1,00


Postcard II / Ltd Ed of 200
Postcard II / Ltd Ed of 200

Postkarte II / Postcard II mit / with

Schauspieler Wolfgang Stumph

Maler Otmar Alt

Teacch-Expertin Dr Anne Häußler

Cartoonistin Renate Alf

Kabarettist Herbert Feuerstein

Gewichtheber Matthias Steiner

Limited Edition of 200

Preis / price € 1,00



Postcard Himmel Ltd Ed of 100
Postcard Himmel Ltd Ed of 100

Postkarte  / Postcard 

"In meinem Himmel Phase IV"

Limited Edition of 100

Preis / price € 1,00



Postcard Self Ltd Ed of 100
Postcard Self Ltd Ed of 100

Postkarte / Postcard

"Get me to my self on time"

Limited Edition of 200

Preis / price € 1,00